

adjective: Denoting something from the past of high quality


noun: A person who wanders from place to place without a home or a job

Hello – you’ve arrived at the Vintage Vagabonds travel blog site.  Words by Mrs Vagabond and pictures (mostly) by Mr Vagabond.  Lots more pictures can be found on tumblr and now on his new photo blog  planet picture.

This is not one of those blogs where people are paid to write: it’s just my diary, written primarily as an aide memoir and to keep family and friends updated.  There are no affiliate links; if we like something, we just like it.  Of course, if some kind person wanted to pay me for something, I’d be happy to consider it.

I write about my travels: I don’t travel so that I have something to write about.  I don’t post to a schedule, just when I have the time and have something to say, or there’s something I want to remember.   So my posts are probably longer than those in most blogs – sorry about that.

I originally started this blog on another site, and some of the formatting went screwy when I imported the old posts.  When I’m bored and the wifi is working I’m gradually correcting it.  I’m keeping a log of the blog’s development here.