From time we rent an apartment for a few weeks and settle down to live somewhere. It’s nice not to have to eat in restaurants all the time, and we both enjoy cooking. There are some challenges though – kitchens in flats tend to be poorly equipped, you don’t have a store cupboard full of ingredients, and familiar staples may be expensive and/or elusive. So what can you actually cook?
Of course, a lot depends on your kitchen and on your store cupboard.
Here are recipes for some things we cook – I’ll add to them over time. Very few pictures I’m afraid, as good food photos are very difficult and I usually want to eat it before it gets cold, so Mr Vagabond doesn’t get the chance to wield his camera. You’ll notice that quantities are vague. They differ each time I make it (no scales or measuring spoons) and I’m kind of assuming that you know how to cook, ‘cos otherwise you wouldn’t bother. You might sometimes think I’ve forgotten the salt, but our tastebuds are adjusted to doing without it mostly – just add it if you need it. Oh, and there’s no meat in these as Mr Vagabond doesn’t eat it.
All recipes are for 2 servings.